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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Back to Class! (Well, sort of...)

So this has been an amazing week for me... I was able to finally teach Turbo Kick AND PiYo.  What a blast!!  I have to admit, I was a bit distracted by trying to keep my body in a lower impact mode and refrain from jumping and/or pivoting on my left foot.  It made me so ditzy about memorizing my choreography (which is usually not a problem!) as well as feeling really worried that I was still able to cue and demonstrate an effective class.  

Side note:  Have I mentioned how spaz-tastic I can be?  It was apparent that I was a bit distracted during my first week back:  on Tuesday I couldn't get my music to work (thank you old music from Best of Volume 4) and today I lost my gym bag!!  (Which, by the way, has been found by the lovely girls in the daycare).

Now... I'll just be continuing to ease into these 2 formats and keep crossing my fingers for an August return to Hip Hop Hustle. 

So, what to do tomorrow?  Weights and stationary bike, I presume.  How about you?!

AND:  If you live in Boise/Meridian, please come join me at Idaho Athletic Club:  Silverstone and Black Eagle locations.  We have a ball and burn TONS of calories!

P.S. Please join my on my Fan Page!  I need more fans.  :) 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ride or Die

Over this past month, I've been spending a lot of time on the stationary bike (upright, not recumbent) and I've actually been SWEATING!  Yay for sweat!!

Today, I went to my first spin class in 5 months.  I haven't been allowed to go to spin until now because I'm still supposed to be cautionary on weight bearing activity.  When I ride the stationary bike on my own, I keep it at a very modest resistance and just go as fast as I can for 30 minutes.  My physical therapist, Jana, allowed me to spin today IF I promised to not stand, jump, hover or ride with a heavy resistance.  I have to admit, it's hard to be in a spin class and not really participate, but I stayed true to my "rules" and I kept it moderate and fast.  At first I was sitting in class wondering why I didn't just go ride the stationary bike by myself.  I wasn't too crazy about the music that was being played, and I was a little annoyed that I couldn't do all of the interval training the instructor was cueing.   However, I stuck with it and really had a great workout.  I decided that the benefit of attending a spin class for now is really for the motivation of staying on the bike longer than 30 minutes.  Even though when I ride alone, I can listen to my own bangin' tunes, I enjoyed the camaraderie of the class today.

Side note:  Speaking of bangin' tunes, I want to talk about music for a minute.  When I exercise, music is SO crucial to me.  I have to have songs that inspire me to work harder, move faster, or slow down when it's time to cool down. 

I thoroughly enjoyed driving up to Spokane, WA this past weekend with my husband.  We took our kiddos to my folks', and took a road trip up to visit my brother at Gonzaga.  Matthew was home for two weeks, then had to go back to summer school ON his 21st birthday.  We wanted to head up and brighten up his weekend.  Had SUCH a blast with the coolest brother ever!  We talked about music for much of the time as Aaron and I had just spend 6.5 hours surfing Satellite radio and reminiscing as each song came on.  We spent a lot of time on Shade 45 and Hip Hop Nation as I read the history of rap music from Wikipedia to Aaron (omigosh...did I just admit that? AND P.S. what did we do before smart phones)?  We switched the channel to Backspin (old school hip hop) and listened to the artists who helped form the genre of rap.  It was so fun!!  We also enjoyed listening to 90s on 9 and Lithium so we could relive our high school and college days.  And, of course, had to listen to Octane... my FAVORITE...  I love hard rock.  Other fav stations:  Faction, Alt Nation and Classic Vinyl (had to hear some Zeppelin!!)

Man, that was quite a digression!  I am going to work on my next entry as a "favorite play list" writeup.

I haven't been swimming too much lately -it's because I'd rather cycle.  What can I say?  I'm addicted to SWEAT!  Plus it's less of a hassle:  I can go as soon as the gym daycare opens instead of waiting until 10am.  And it's so much easier to get ready for the day afterwards!  However, I'm so glad that I was forced into swimming.  Now that I am reacquainted with the pool and have defined my goals while swimming, I can see myself working it into my regimen. 

Alright folks, signing off.  Remember, if you are injured, it is NOT an excuse to stop exercising!  There is always something you can find that you are able to do.  Trust me...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Still motivated...but just barely...

So folks, I have been battling a sore throat, and other cold symptoms, for the past 5 days and it's getting progressively worse.  Today I skipped physical therapy in lieu of a trip to a nearby walk-in clinic.  I didn't want to hack and cough all over my therapist and her staff.  I just felt that wasn't appropriate.  I know, I'm very thoughtful.  Thanks for noticing.

I'm SO hopeful that my antibiotics clear this thing up so I can go to the gym tomorrow.  I am so looking forward to riding the hideously awful stationary bike!!

The good news is that over the past two weeks, I've been able to attend my sub's Turbo Kick class.  I have kept it very low impact (no jumping...boring! ...but better than nothing) and so far so good.  There's a little bit of achiness in the left foot, but that's because the intrinsic muscles are waking up after being "babied" for the past several months.  I have to admit, the "achiness" is kind of bothersome...

I hope to be able to go this Thursday again and I'm gearing up for a June return to my classes!  Well, at least Turbo and PiYo.  Those, I believe, I can modify over the next month as I ease my way back into the regular regimine.

Side note:  I did not appreciate being weighed today at the walk-in clinic.  That was unnecessary and I did not dress appropriately - clearly my tennis shoes, hoodie and glasses added at LEAST 5 lbs.  The nerve! 

I'm still keeping my eye on the prize, but I can tell you this:  I'm SO tired of boring, mediocre workouts.  HOWEVER, I'm still motivated enough to do what my therapist and doctor tell me because one thing is for sure: I hope to NEVER go through this nonsense again.

I'm out - off to go cough myself into oblivion and sneeze some more...  Enjoy your evening!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Trying to Stay True...

I am trying SO hard to follow the rules and not push too hard, but I AM GETTING FRUSTRATED again.  Just knowing that my injury is healed is making it VERY hard to hold back on my workouts.  I understand that I'm supposed to ease back into everything, but I was THIS close to going spinning this morning.  Instead, I put on some killer music and hit the bike for 33 minutes and pushed through at 110 RPM the entire time.  I was sweating and it felt GREAT!  I then took it to the treadmill... I haven't done the treadmill yet and I was not released to do it yet, but my endorphins were on FIRE.  My brain was still in control and I only stayed on there for about 7 minutes - the length of two phenomenal songs.  I even did a 1 minute jog because I feel that I just have to try.  I guess we will see later today or tomorrow what the outcome will be...

Can you tell by all of the caps lock that I'm fired up?????  I'm very, very close to going to my sub's Turbo Kick class tomorrow.  My brain is telling me to go swimming, but my body is telling me to try TK.  I think I'll wait to see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow.  If the foot is sore, I guess I'll know I need to pull back a bit.

I had a fantastic weekend up in Moscow, ID visiting my former college buds.  It was just what the doctor ordered.  Now, for the doctor to order up some Turbo Kick... that is what will REALLY get me fired up! 

Hamming it up on my former bed on the sleeping porch at dear ol' Delta G...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I HEART My Physical Therapist!!

Last week I started physical therapy and I just LOVE Jana.  I know she is going to help me rehabilitate and get back to the level of exercise that I'm used to.  I woke up this morning feeling so rejuvenated!  I had a fun girls' night with a new group of friends (I also HEART sushi!), and was looking forward to my therapy session. 

I was cautiously optimistic to hope that I could return to teaching my classes by May, HOWEVER, Jana believes it will be more like June (growling to myself...).  Here's how she explained it:  even though the machine is now fixed (aka, my injury is healed), it is still not working properly.  In other words, during my healing, my left foot, ankle and calf atrophied and now I must work on restabilization and balance.  I still have soreness and pain, but that's because those muscles are all "waking up" and have to be strengthened.

I LOVE that she has given me clear parameters to my gym workouts: 
-recumbent bike for no longer than 30 minutes and no higher than a 4 (to which I keep my RPMs above 100 and have been getting a great sweat!) - and only every other day
-Swimming no more than 2x a week - 75% breaststroke and 25% freestyle (due to the tendonitis that flared up in my right shoulder)
-Weights: only performing lifts that keep my elbows close to my body (bicep curls, alternating bicep curls, hammer curls, tricep kickbacks). 
-Continuing with leg lifts, strengthening the hips, outer and inner thighs, and adding in clamshells to strengthen the glute muscles that assit in your stride.

Another thing I've been working on is being conscientious of my stride because I've been walking on the outsides of both feet while favoring the injury site.  I've been trying to thinking about it:  make contact with your heel, roll slightly out on the outsides of your feet and finish by pushing off the ball of your big toe. 

Next week I believe I'll begin using the regular bike.  Jana doesn't actually like the recumbants as well because she says they put a strain on your quads and hamstrings and a false sense of stabilization in your back.  I'll be looking forward to transitioning away from them!  (And I'm DYING to get the "go ahead" to attend spin class!)

Here are my thoughts on returning to teaching:  June is looking good for teaching Turbo Kick at a low impact intensity level (no jumping); it will probably be closer to July before going back to Hip Hop Hustle, as that class is difficult to modify.  I also have high hopes to return to PiYo in the next couple of weeks.

I've been feeling so hopeful and energetic ever since learning that my foot has healed.  I'm going to start the Three Day Shakeology Cleanse next week and boost my metabolism even more.

Here's to a great week, everyone!  Keep your chin up and remember this:  SOMETHING is better than nothing.  Find the workout that you can squeeze into your day/week and make it a habit!  I would LOVE to be your coach, so please contact me if you have questions!

I WILL be back to Turbo Kick...VERY soon!  ;)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Guess which girl has a healed stress injury?  THIS girl!  Guess which girl gets to stop wearing her rigid carbon insole?  THIS girl!!!!  That's right, the MRI shows that my injury is HEALED, PEOPLE!!!!  So that means no more tennis shoes in my house all day every day.  It also means that I'm not ready for high heels yet.  But I'm hoping to find some cute flats with a good arch that can suppress my urge to throw my tennis shoes out the nearest window.

So why, pray tell, does my foot still hurt?  According to the doctor, my foot is de-conditioned and I need to undergo physical therapy to SLOWLY return it to normal activity.  Translation:  I probably should not pop in my Turbo Kick DVD tomorrow and start learning the current round.  HOWEVER, I have my first appointment with the physical therapist (one who specializes in getting athletes back to their sport of choice) and I'm anxious to get on her program.  I'll be slowly, incrementally, gaining strength and getting back to Turbo.

Awwwwww  Yeahhhhhhh.... that's what I'm talking about!!!!  (Doing a happy dance, albeit it's more of a "hopping in a circle on my right foot" dance).

Bring on the Physical Therapy:  this Tuesday at 10:45am (not that I'm counting down the minutes or anything).

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What was your workout today and how is your nutrition?

So...  I have worked out every day this week and feeling really great.  I've been hitting it hard on the weights and my legs, so now my body's totally sore.  Today's workout consisted of a great swim.  40 laps in 35 minutes.  I'm sure I'm not breaking any records, but I guess it's a good pace for me because it's consistently my time.  Also, I only swim once or twice a week.  It's pretty hard for me to get to the pool and the times you can lap swim are scattered, so I don't go as often as I'd like.  But I'm trying to make the hand bike hip (come on - you see how cool I look on it and you know you want to try!) and using that and the recumbent bike as part of my cardio routine.  side note:  YES - it's true!  You can burn 22 calories in 10 minutes on the hand bike!!!  Isn't that inticing!??  LOL  I seriously don't know how it's only 22 calories because it really does feel like more of an exertion that THAT!  But oh well.  It gets my body warm and ready to lift.

Now to the next subject...I've said it before and I'll say it again... Nutrition and what you put in your pie hole constitutes for 80% of your efforts.  In other words, if you workout every day of your life, but eat like crap, you're never going to lose weight and/or change your body.

I have to say, this is a big reason how I've stayed in "somewhat" good shape during this LOOOOOONG drawn out injury ordeal.  Like I've said in past posts, I did put on some weight due to depressed and emotional eating at times, but I'm over it now and I'm back on track.  A lot of my nutrition depends on my health shake for which I preach about all of the time (probably driving most of my friends mad), but I'm so passionate about the impact on health that this one little shake makes.  For more information on it, click here.

Make sure you're eating whole grain carbs (DON'T YOU DARE cut out carbs.  That the WORST health trend I've ever seen. Very unhealthy and it will derail your efforts), plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and getting lots of protein.  Try to stay away from processed foods if you can, but as with everything... MODERATION is the key.  You don't have to cut out processed foods altogether (hey... I'm not!), but try not to eat them daily or rely on them for the bulk of your nutrition.  I'm talking about frozen meals and basically most things in the pantry.

I guess I'll get off my soap box now.  Just wanted to lecture today, I suppose!!

I'm gearing up for my 2nd MRI tonight and a follow up with my doctor tomorrow.  I can't wait to see how my foot is healing and to hear when he thinks I may return to Turbo.  Plus, the thought of laying in the MRI machine sounds dreamy.  Am I crazy?  Some time to myself, laying down prone, with no one needing anything from me?  Sorry, it sounds lovely to me.

Peace out!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Time keeps on slippin slippin slippin... into the future...

First off, by recommendation of a dear friend, I have changed my blog name to reflect that I am, in fact, a fitness "addict" more than anything else.  It's true.  Exercise is certainly my drug and I really have been feeling like I'm going through withdrawls.  Once you become addicted to exercise and you're pulled out of the game, it can be very depressing and sink you deep deep down to a dark place.  HOWEVER, I believe that I've pulled through the worst of it.  My attitude, though I still feel low at times, is SO much better and now I'm dreaming of a day when I can TURBO again...

I've also decided to call this my "Diary" instead of "Adventures."  I guess that's because sometimes it just doesn't feel like I'm on an adventure.  Adventures are fun and this has been stressful!  ;)

Moving on!

Okay folks, March is gone and I officially felt it was my best month in terms of "being good."  Lots of swimming, leg lifts, core training and upper body lifting.  Zero biking (well, one 5 minute session on resistance level 1...boy that was a hoot) and zero impact on the foot... sans your basic walking around plus up and down my stairs eighty times a day due to the small children and their constant need for this or that.  But I have been wearing my shoes with the rigid insoles at all times, just like I was told!!  See?  I CAN follow orders!

This past week I had a bone density scan and that came back normal.  So now I know that I am actually a low risk for stress fracture.  Great.  Thanks bone density machine.  Can you please tell my foot that?

Now I orthopedic check up is this coming Tuesday.  Waiting...waiting...waiting...  Tick/Tock...

In the meantime, I feel that over the past 2 weeks I have really put my nutrition and eating in check.  No more eating just because I'm sad or feel sorry for myself.  Feeling a lot better and things are starting to seem brighter...

Maybe the doctor will tell me that I can do squats!  WOW!  (These are the little things that make my day).

Side note:  Here's another thing that always makes my day... when I slip on a hoodie I haven't worn in a while and find a Pomegranate Burt's Bees lip balm in the pocket.  Mmmmm-mmmm ... luscious!

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for reading!  XOXO

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day ??? - Who's Counting?

Okay, so I'm changing a few things with my blog.  For starters, I'm abandoning my original countdown.

When I started my blog, I had this hair brained "goal date" of when I would be returning to my normal activities.  I've come to realize that you can't set a date for your body to realize (DUH!).  My brain is FAR more ready to resume my normal fitness levels than my body is.  And guess what?  That's OKAY.  So now, no more counting down the days until I can return.  Instead, I will be taking things one day at a time.
Will I gain weight during my recovery?  Yes, probably.  And I already have.  But that's okay.  Right now I am focused on staying healthy and getting recooperated.  There are SO many more important things to worry about and I don't want to spend anymore time worrying about myself. 

I'm giving myself permission to rest on all fronts.  I will continue to exercise carefully.  That means, I probably won't be doing any major calorie-burning sessions at the gym any time soon, but I will continue to stay active and keep my habit of working out.

My shoulder is still bothering me and it's been 10 days since I swam (oh, but who's counting, right!?!?), but I have still been going to the gym. Yesterday I even climbed aboard the recumbent bike for FIVE WHOLE MINUTES.  Hey, it's a start and I'm really trying to follow the doctor's orders.  Really.  Like, for serious.

When you're injured, it's very easy to fall into some sort of a depressed state.  Today is a new day.  Today I will rest, I will enjoy my family and I will look forward to going to the gym tomorrow for another light, but effective, workout.  Side note:  I joke about only being able to do leg lifts at the gym. You know, the inner/outer thigh 80's style workout?  But MAN those suckers are HARD!  Move over thighmaster!!  Now get down on the floor and lift your leg 100 times!  Go on, try it! 

The next thing to look forward to is my doctor appointment in early April.  I'm determined to have a better appointment than this month's. 

It's time to start honing in on my willpower.  It's time to stop eating as though I'm burning 800 extra calories a day.  I CAN do this but I know it takes more than that.  You really have to WANT something in order to make the change and I WANT it.  Like, for serious.

And you, dear reader, what do YOU want?  Don't just say you're doing to do something.  Come on!  JUST DO IT (thanks to Nike for the most incredible catch phrase ever).

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 31 - Attitude Adjustment

Are you like me?  Do you workout even when you're injured, ignoring slight pain just to get your workout in?  Are you a crazed fitness fanatic that will stop at NOTHING (almost) to get a workout in?  It's a DRAG not being able to workout to my full potential, but I have been trying.  PEOPLE, I have been TRYING!  Somehow, however, I still manage to stay injured or ... the latest ... exacerbate an old injury.

I am not sure what I ever did to my right shoulder, but I have a reoccuring issue that becomes inflamed every now and then if I am not careful.  After several sessions with the lovely Jennifer Nevala, my favorite Physical Therapist, I was armed with some simple shoulder strenthening exercises.  They are wonderful to pull out of my arsenal if ever I feel the pain coming on. 

Today I'm taking another rest day.  My last workout was on Wednesday and it was an amazing swim.  I beat my time by 5 minutes, and decided to stay in the pool for an extra 10 laps.  I was feeling awesome! 
(side note:  I TOTALLY beat that woman swimming laps next to me!!  Plus, I could see underwater that she was putting her feet down during her breast stroke.  Cheater!!  Really, I'm just joking... ;)  Also, I had lifted heavy on Tuesday.  I did the same routine this past Saturday plus a swim on the same day.  My right shoulder had been bugging me for a while, but did I stop and do my physical therapy exercises before continuing to push through the pain?  NO, I did not.  I did, to my credit, THINK about doing it.  "Hmmm, my shoulder is starting to bother me again.  Maybe I should take this week off shoulders (including swimming) and just do my physical therapy exercises for a week."  That was a thought I had recurringly throughout this past month.  Hard headed as I can be, I did not rest my shoulders.  I was getting SO excited about swimming, that I didn't want to lose my stride. 

So now, here I sit, shoulder in excruitiating pain.  One nice thing about my shoulder bothering me is that I haven't noticed any foot pain in the last 2 days!  This is what I have decided to do:  This week I will continue to stay out of the gym and work on floor legs and abs at home, as well as my shoulder strengthening exercises.  That is going to have to be enough for this week.  AND, I am wrapping my head around aligning my eating with my decrease in activity.  I simply can not eat as much as I like if I am not able to workout as hard as I like.  That's the simple truth.

Today is the day I stop feeling sorry for myself, stop pushing myself unnecessarily, and start paying better attention to my body.  I will stop comparing myself to others (why is that 50 year old ultra marathon runner injury free!?!?!?!?  Why is the woman who created Turbo Kick 10 years older than me and doesn't have any of the issues I do!?!?!?) and start taking more pride in myself. 

We are all made differently.  Our bones and bodies are each unique.  Some of us are just simply more prone to injury for some reason or another.  It doesn't make you or me a weak person.  It doesn't even mean we have to stop all activity and become lazy.  It just means that we, as athletes, have to take a little extra care when doing our favorite sports or activities. 

So I'll keep taking my Vitamin D and Calcium supplements, as well as my Shakeology, and start exercising more gently until there is no more pain.

What about you?  What will you do to better yourself or your outlook today?  Do you have something going on in your life that is bringing you (and your attitude) down?  Let's figure out a way to turn it around.  We're in this together, dear reader!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 22 - Hand Bike and the Blues

So I have had some really great workouts this week, but I'm pretty depressed.  On Monday, I felt so great.  I did 25 minutes of core and floor legs.  Then I set out to do 20 min on the recumbent bike.  I kept it at a low resistance of 3 (I think that's low!!!  I'm trying SOOOO hard to follow directions!)  After 20 minutes, my tunes were so kickin', that I thought I'd shoot for 10 miles instead of watching the time.  I kept my RPM at 100 the whole time, and I was consciously trying to put most of the pressure on my right foot.  I must've been favoring the outer part of my left foot, however, because by that evening I was in a lot of pain.  Woke on Tuesday to the same pain.  I decided to swim on Tuesday and that felt amazing, but the foot was still sore.  ARGH!!!  GETTING SO FRUSTRATED!!

I have to say, it's really hard to stay positive when my foot hurts each and every day.  I have been keeping my shoes on all day everyday, but I do a lot of standing and walking.  I hope that's okay, because that is my life.  There is very little sitting down and I don't know how to change that, unless I hire a nanny and live in house keeper!!

Side note:  I am obsessed with all things "Real Housewives of..." on Bravo.  They just started a new crew of ninnies from Miami.  These women are so beautiful and perfect, and some have had more than 2 kids!!!  If I had nannies for each child, plus a personal chef, then I'd have no excuse not be in tip top shape!  Although the show is so silly, I'm still totally obsessed with it.  Just love all of those crazy broads for some reason. 

So even though my last 2 workouts were really great, I did not start off my week very well.  I know it's because of the foot.  It's getting hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

I woke up this morning and thought, here we go... each day is a fresh start.  I did an awesome biceps and triceps circuit (3 times through), then abs and 10 minutes on the hand bike.  That thing is harder than it looks!!!  I had to make myself stay on for 10 minutes and at the end, my arms were burning.  I had, however, just lifted pretty heavy, so I'd like to try it BEFORE my lifting next time just to see how it feels.  I actually got a teeny little sweat out of it, but the readout said I only burned 20 calories.  I guess that's my coffee creamer.  Woo-hoo!!!  I'm going to be skinny now!!!  haha

Okay - send me some positive thoughts.  I'm heading to my orthopedic doctor this afternoon and we'll see what he says.  I hope he says that this is all normal and that it's just a long and slow progression and that I just have to be patient.  PLEASE pray that no surgery will be required...

Man, this was a bummer post!  Gotta go hug my little guy and get some happiness vibin' through my bod.  Cheers!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 18 - Spit in Goggles, the Nobody's Perfect Diet and Pretzels

Happy Saturday!  I went swimming again!  I really didn't want to, but once I got in the pool, I actually started to enjoy myself.  I planned on doing another 30 minutes and this time, I would count my laps.  I actually found that counting the laps made me feel more motivated.  I got 30 in about 30 minutes and decided to bust out another 4 laps.  I was surprised at how much stronger I felt today.  Still probably don't have a very good stroke, but I'm not too worried about it.  I just want the exercise and that heart rate was certainly up!

Side note:  saw a dog pooping on the way to the gym and another one pooping on the way home.  What's that about?

Thanks to a bunch of Facebook friends' advice, I tried putting spit in my goggles to avoid the fog.  I have to say it worked a tiny bit, but still had pretty foggy goggles.  Hmpf.  Probably just cheap goggles.

This week I am going to work harder on my nutrition.  I have been eating far too many treats lately.  Admittedly, I'm kind of an emotional eater.  Plus I just plain love to eat.  I always say that I work out so I CAN eat eat eat!  Now that my workouts are less intense, I need to start watching a little better.  I am a very healthy eater, but I am not perfect.  I have a tendency to be a perfectionIST, but never perfect.  That means that sometimes I eat the devil's WHITE FLOUR!!  GASP!  To be honest, I really do strive to eat all whole grains, but I do love my thin crust mediterranean deLITE pizza from Papa Murphys made with white flour.  SUE ME!  Oh, and I love a shiver from TCBY.  Get over it!!  I am going to make up a diet plan called the "Nobody's Perfect Diet."  It's where you eat all your fruits and vegetables, Shakeology, whole grains, subsitute applesauce and ground flax seeds in your baking, lean meats, etc.  HOWEVER, you still enjoy whatEVER treats you want, in moderation.  That means wine on the weekend, white bread pizza on OCCASION, birthday cake at a party, and sugary frozen yogurt if you deserve it (you know you do).  In my opinion, you can't eat perfectly all of the time and I just simply to not identify with people who do (or at least SAY they do). 

This past Christmas I read a Facebook post from a fitness professional whom I trust and admire, and this silly post has stuck in my mind like white flour on my ribs:  she stated something like (not a verbatim quote): "I was doing some major Christmas shopping at the mall and found myself STARVING! I ALMOST bought one of those pretzels but thank GOODNESS I had a P90X protein bar in my purse!"  One of her followers said something along the lines of "Man, I would have thought that a plain pretzel might be one of the healthier choices at the mall."  To which she responded something like, "Oh, maybe, but I avoid white flour at all costs."  Now, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my P90X protein bars and really do think that they are a better choice than a pretzel at the mall, (And you can buy them from me here!! I know, shameless plug).  HOWEVER, I wouldn't advertise to be a perfect person.  If I were hungry and a plain pretzel sounded good, why not?  Maybe then I wouldn't eat pizza for dinner after something like that, but I wouldn't advertise that I was some sort of super human. 

Really, I just feel much better when I eat healthy and nutritious food.  I don't eat chicken nuggets every day, however I WILL be eating a pretzel at the movie theater the next time I'm lucky enough to find a babysitter to go. 

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 15 - Swim caps, goggles and FINALLY some real laps

It's a good day so far!  Unless you count me checking my Facebook fan page and noticing that instead of 302 fans, I now have 299.  That means a few folks "unliked" me.  Hmpf..."get over it, Jennifer!!!" Okay, moving on!

So the week started off pretty good with consistent exercise.  I decided to try the recumbent bike again this week, so on Monday I did it only at 1-3 resistance level.  I kept my sweatshirt on the whole time (45 min) in order to sweat more.  I didn't sweat very much, but enough to feel that my workout was light, but still not too bad.

Tuesday I did the bike for 15 minutes and then a new arm routine from my Oxygen magazine.  It was a bicep/tricep routine and I loved it!  It was only about 20 minutes long, so I did about 10 minutes of abs and that completed a pretty good workout for the day.

Today was the day for me to swim again.  I didn't make it to the pool last Sunday as I had hoped.  Between my friend Lori busy with family stuff (she was only visiting for the weekend) and my dear husband leaving me for a business trip at 5am, I just didn't get that accomplished (no gym daycare on Sundays).  But I DID do some preparations for swimming by making a little stop to the Swim and Run Shop on Saturday.  I bought a swim cap and some swimmers shampoo.  I will NOT turn these lovely golden locks green!!!  When I swam last Friday, I held my head out of the water as high as I could and, man, was that a bad neck cramp!  I ALMOST splurged on an underwater MP3 player, but I figured that I'm not a good enough swimmer to deserve a special treat like that yet. 

I had to wait until after 10am because of water aerobics (no laps during class!!) which was a little annoying.  I like to get my workout over with as SOON as I can, which usually means waiting for the gym daycare to open (8:30 or 9am depending on the gym).  But there would be NO excuses today.  I had no special plans for the morning, so Anthony and I packed up and headed out. 

Side note:  I had to practice putting on my swim cap 6 or 7 times at home before trying it in public.  It was surprisingly hard to get on!  I followed the little diagram it came with.  You know, the "proper" way of putting on your swim cap.  It kept slipping off my head and giving me some lovely static eletricity.  I have heard that wetting down your hair helps, but that seems like a hassle (more excuses from me?  you're kidding!).  I finally was able to get it on without it popping it off by just yanking it on.  It didn't look right, but that's probably b/c I had my hair piled up on top of my head.  I looked like a Cupie Doll instead of an Olympic swimmer, but that somehow seems more fitting anyway.

Into the pool I went.  Today I was at a different Idaho Athletic Club than last week, so it was another new experience.  I didn't see any kickboards, but that was okay.  I had a swim cap and goggles now, so I felt more ready to swim laps (just like a big girl)!  My first lap down was the crawl.  I was surprised at how well I remember how to do this.  I'm sure my form and technique could use some fine tuning, but I really don't care about that right now.  I went up and back and by the end of those 2 laps my heart was pounding and I was out of breath.  WOW!  This really IS a good workout!  To heck with kickboarding for 35 minutes!! 

I decided that my goal today would be to swim for 30 minutes.  I could do anything for 30 minutes.  Heck I could eat a whole bowl of popcorn by myself in 30 minutes (in fact, I'll bet I could do it in 20)!  So I decided that will be my goal as I'm just beginning.  I am too busy concentrating on what I'm doing to count laps, but I want to do that eventually.  Just a few more times of just swimming as much as I can in 30 minutes without dying.

To be truthful, I wasn't able to continuously swim.  I would have to pause after each lap, but tried not to rest for more than 30 seconds.  That's hard work!!!  By the end of 30 minutes, I had done the crawl and the breastroke and I was panting!  As I was getting dried of and dressed, my heart was STILL beating.  I think that I actually got a good workout today.  I'm so proud of myself!!

One of the most bothersome things during my swim was my right arm.  It was very sore from lifting yesterday.  Oh, and the fact that my goggles kept fogging up and getting water in them.  I think I'm going to have to invest in some new ones...

So I want to have a modest goal when it comes to swimming, as it IS a bit of a pain to get to the pool.  I want to swim 1-2 times per week for 30-45 minutes.  I hope to be up to 45 minutes soon.  I don't know how long it will take me to get there, as I was EXSTATIC today to see the clock when my 30 minutes were up.  I'm sure, just like anything, it will take practice.  But at least I'm feeling a little more confident about my new undertaking.

An update on my foot:  I called the doctor yesterday to ask why my foot is STILL hurting after 6 weeks.  I asked if it was okay that I had been walking around my house barefoot, up and down stairs, all over every room cleaning and chasing after children.  They told me that I should be in my shoes with the rigid insole at all times (besides showering and sleeping).  Drat... who wants to be in shoes all day every day?  Oh well...short term ... short term...

The better patient I am now, the sooner I can return to teaching my classes AND go to Turbo camp in July.

Tomorrow's workout:  45 minutes on recumbent bike with light resistance.  Friday:  shoulders and legs.

Plan out your workouts, people!  Hold yourSELF accountable for your goals!  Thanks for visiting and listening to me rant and rave.  Stay cool...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 10 - Finally Swimming!

See??  I TOLD you I'd swim by Sunday!  I didn't want to, but I bit the bullet and did it.

Back in November when the good Dr first put me in the boot and told me I couldn't teach for about a month, I asked him, with a tear streaked face, what kind of cardio COULD I do?  He said swimming was the only thing I could safely do.  No water aerobics (that involves impact on the floor of the pool and I have to avoid ALL weight bearing activity on the foot), but swimming would be fine.  Immediately I made a mental note: "I guess there's no cardio for now..."  Yes, I basically let the suggestion of swimming go in one ear and out the other.

Fast forward to last week when I got the boot off for the SECOND time.  The doctor reminded me that swimming is going to be my best and safest option to get some cardio.  If you read my Day 7 entry, you will see that I tried a 2nd option (recumbent bike) in hopes of avoiding swimming and I just simply hit it too hard.  I've been SO good in avoiding the bike this week b/c I vowed I would (see??  this blog IS keeping me accountable!!).

Why am I so averse to swimming, you may ask?  Well, my internet friend, I have a million excuses:  first, I have not even been "swimming" since I was a teenager and was a lifeguard.  I know HOW to swim, but I never ever do it for sport.  So that, in and of itself, is my top reason.  Just plain unsure of the unknown.  I know how many calories I can burn teaching my favorite classes, doing spin class, running, etc, but I have never been convinced I could burn as many calories while swimming.  I know that it's supposed to be a wonderful form of exercise, but it seems like you have to swim for hours just to equal the calorie burn of one run or cardio class. 
Secondly, it seems like such a hassle!  It's one thing to finish a cardio session drenched in your own sweat, but it's quite another to be drenched in chlorine.  Don't you think?  Your hair is all matted and stinky and can potentially turn green.  It's hard to run to the bathroom if you need to.  Or what if the daycare lady has to come find you because your little one just pooped his pants?  It seems like such a bother to get out of the pool to go change a diaper.  I don't think I'd be getting back into the pool after that.

My third excuse is just SO vain that I hesitate to even say.  Oh well, why stop now?  I've always been very self conscious of myself in a swimming suit and, although I LOVE the beach and sun and sand, etc, I have always had big time issues with wearing a swimming suit.  My husband has been angry with me on more than one occasion where I have conveniently "forgotten" my swimsuit on a vacation where there may be a hot tub.  I can be a real brat, by the way. 

Also, I know I can't swim laps in a bikini, so I knew I'd have to go out and get a new suit.  Ugh... that means trying on swimsuits in the winter.  No thanks.  However, I've been avoiding it for too long and I finally bucked up.  This will be a great workout and it's my only chance at getting some consistent exercise (other than my upper body and ab routine... I need to switch things up!).  So yesterday I went to the lovely establishment known as Costco (I was told they have cheap suits there) and mananged to end up with one of the ugliest suits they had.  Geez - why did I think black with white flowers would be flattering?  And, is it SUPPOSED to make me look like I have 4 butt cheeks?  Disgust! 

Okay, time to get over yourself (sorry, just talking to myself for a minute...) 

After getting a good swimming pep talk from my best bud Lori (who has been swimming as part of her Iron Man training), I decided to don my suit and hit the pool this morning.  I have belonged to this gym for almost 6 years and I have never even stepped foot into the pool area.  I had no idea of what to expect as far as the size of the pool or the rules, etc.  The doctor suggested simply kickboarding for 20 min or so.  So that's what I did.  I found a kickboard and I did laps with it for 35 minutes.  I was actually surprised at how fast the time went by.  I was sure it would be so super boring that I didnt know if I could even last 10 min in there.  But after 35 min, I got out and headed home.  Truthfully, I don't feel like I got a very good workout.  I didn't stop at all during that time, but still don't feel like I burned very many calories.  I plan to go again on Sunday with Lori and she is going to show me some good stuff.  I am also going to look up to see if I can find any info online.  If this is going to be one of my main forms of exercise over the next 6 weeks, then I'd better figure out some fun and hard routines.  Kickboarding for 35 minutes every day is NOT going to cut it, folks.

If you have any good insight on swimming or any advice, please feel free to share!  I'd love some support from actual "swimmers." ;)

So, in closing, take it from me:  get out there and do something you've never tried before or something you haven't done in eons.  What are you so afraid of?  I was so embarrassed to be seen in my swimsuit, but no one in the pool area gives a s**t.  It's like I always tell my Turbo Kick students who feel self conscious.  No one is watching you but YOU.  Everyone is just trying to workout so get over yourself!  (I'm such a hypocrite, aren't I?  LOL)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 7

Today is one week since I went to the orthopedic doctor.  Doesn't feel like that long ago... my foot still hurts...  

We arrived in AZ for a vacation on Thursday afternoon and on Friday I checked out the club house in my parents' neighborhood.  I was expecting a treadmill (which I can't do) and some weights (which I could utilize).  I was pleasantly surprised to find...(drum roll) a recumbent bike!!  Yay!  Got my tunes going and hit the bike.  They also had some great weight equipment, so I did 2 rounds of my circuit.  I repeated the same routine on Saturday during naptime for the boys.  Saturday evening, my husband and I hit Scottsdale for a date.  I secretly brought a pair of dress shoes (very low heel and comfortable inside).  NO, my rigid insole does NOT fit in them, but I figured it wouldn't hurt for a couple of hours!  I know, it's vain... I'm just sick of wearing athletic shoes all of the time!

On Sunday, I decided to skip the workout.  We had planned to go to the Pheonix zoo and I knew I'd be doing a lot of walking.  Truthfully, my foot was hurting and I was a little scared to workout again.  Plus I knew I'd be walking all over airports on Monday on our way back home. 

By last night BOTH of my feet were hurting.  The pain is on the top of the foot and radiates down toward the tops of the toes.  It's just a dull achey pain that doesn't really go away.

Yesterday I was feeling a bit like a Debbie Downer.  BUT, the today is a new day.  Here are my positive thoughts:  I just got home from a 5 day vacation in AZ.  We did a TON of walking and I'm sure I just overdid.  My right foot is probably hurting because I've been overcompensating for the injured left foot.  Also, ever since I was released to do the recumbent bike, I think I've been pushing too hard on it.  The truth with the recumbent bike is that I kind of talked the doctor into letting me do it in the first place.  He really only wants me to swim.  He said I'd have to have VERY LITTLE TO NO resistance.  So how much resistance did I have last Wednesday?  5-7.  That's not being a very good girl. 

No recumbent bike this week.  My goal is to buy a one piece bathing suit this week and go swimming by AT LEAST Sunday.  I've heard that Costco is a good place to buy one.  I'm sure it's super sexy.  ;)

Anthony (the 17 month old) and I just got home from the gym and grocery store.  I did 3 rounds of my abs and weights circuit.  It felt really good.  No weight bearing activity on my foot besides walking around.  I promise to ice my foot tonight.  I really really promise!!! 

Until next time...  stay safe out there!  This week:  train smarter not harder!!

I may not be able to Turbo, PiYo or Hustle yet, but I'm still happy 95% of the time!!  LOL

Greetings from the Ostrich Ranch in Casa Grande, AZ!

Date night in Scottsdale!

Eating lunch at the Pheonix Zoo.

Feeding the giraffes.

Havin' fun with Grandma.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Two

Packing for a trip to Arizona and wondering how to fit that rigid carbon insole into my flip flops...  Hmmmm, guess those are out.  In fact, ALL shoes besides athletic shoes are out.  That thing doesn't fit into ANYthing.  Oh well.  An excuse to buy more athletic shoes...

Here is the mantra for today...instead of focusing on what you CAN'T do during an injury, focus on what you CAN do.  For me, it includes: all upper body weight training, abdominal work on the floor, leg work on the floor, leg extension and curl (machines), leg abduction and adduction (machines), recumbent bike and swimming.  It's all about reconfiguring your routine.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day One... after the diagnosis

A very short background on me:  I'm a fitness instructor and my favorite classes to teach are: Turbo Kick, PiYo and Hip Hop Hustle.  I also enjoyed weight lifting and running (well, enjoy running is a bit of a stretch...).  In short, I LOVE to excercise, jump, kick, move and sweat.  And, more importantly, I NEED it just like some people need water.  I am a Class A Number One Grouch when I don't get the proper amount of exercise.

Which leads me to my story of being an injured fitness fanatic.  It, in short, blows.

As some of you may know, I've been in a "walking boot" for the past month.  I was actually BACK in the walking boot this past month.  I wore it through most of November after feeling some pain in my left foot.  It felt like I pulled a muscle in the top of my foot and really only hurt when I was jumping.  A visit to the orthopedic doctor, and xray and an MRI later, Dr Nilsson informed me that I have an "almost" stress fracture of the 3rd metatarsal.  What does that mean!??  Think about taking a rubber band and stretching it until it almost breaks.  It becomes weak and frayed and barely in tact.  That is my third metatarsal right now.

Dr Nilsson put me in a walking boot early November and told me to wear it around for 3 weeks.  Yay!  I can do that!  Then back to teaching, right??  Well, he released me after 3 weeks and said to take it easy.  In fact, his quote was, "Now Jennifer, if it hurts, DON'T DO IT."  I was made to repeat that several times back to him to ensure he knew I heard him.  However, I have a really special skill of hearing without really listening.  I know, I have many talents.  All that I could really hear was, "You can go back to teaching Turbo Kick, Jennifer!  Congratulations!!" 

Well, as the month of December progressed, I soon realized that I had been teaching my classes while still in pain.  What was it that the good doctor said again?  Oh yeah!!!  I remembered it that one morning early January when I limped to the telephone and started calling subs.  I visited Dr Nilsson later that same day and guess what?  Back in the boot!!  This time for FOUR WEEKS!!  "Okay," I thought, "I am going to DO THIS this time.  I'm going to be good and really rest my foot.  I'm only going to lift weights and do NO weight bearing exercise with my feet.  I will rock this recovery!"

Fast forward to yesterday, February 8, 2011.  The exciting doctor appointment that had me all giddy!!  He was going to say I should rest my foot without the boot for 2 more weeks and then go back to teaching my classes.  I just knew it!!

I sat on the table, took off my boot and sock and revealed my pretty pedicure (I didn't want the good doctor touching those knarly things that had been hiding in a boot for a month!).  Dr held my foot and applied pressure to the injury site.  "Does it still hurt here?"  Sigh, yes... it does.  "How about here?"  Hmpf, yes, actually.  Dr then informed me that I will need to take another month off.  I could take the boot off, but I have to keep a rigid carbon insole in my left shoe for the next month and STILL no weight bearing exercise for another 4 weeks.  UGH...  okay, okay, I can do that. 

"Then I can go back to teaching after that, right?  I'll just do low impact until I'm better!"  "No," explained the doctor.  I would have to take the month after that and increase activity by 10% each week.  "It will be at LEAST two more months before you can teach your classes or do any impact activities."

As sat there, hunched over on the examination table, I realized... this is for the best.  I knew in my heart that I was not healed enough to resume my usual activity YET.  I wasn't ready for the news of TWO MONTHS, but I resigned myself to the facts.  If I didn't let myself heal properly, I will NEVER be able to go back to my favorite activities.

So here we are.  Day One of my two months.  Look out April 9th!  I hope to be a very good girl so I can be back by then!!!  That is my goal, that is my motivation.  That date on the calendar is like a's like the finish's the day I can start to resume my favorite exercises...slowly, but surely.

There you have it.  I started this morning with my Shakeology for breakfast and went ahead and whipped one up for lunch ... it's waiting for me in the fridge ready to go.  I fixed breakfast for 2 little ones, lunch for the preschooler, changed wet sheets from the baby, brushed everyone's teeth, got everyone dressed, did a load of laundry (yes! before 7:30a!) and loaded up the gang.  Dropped off Alex at preschool and Anthony and I headed to the gym.  I did 37 minutes on the recumbent bike (thank you Turbo Kick music!!!) and followed it with a short 10 minute weights session. 

You can knock me down a peg, but you can't push me off the ladder!  (That's today's positive thought...not saying tomorrow will be as cheery, but I'm really really going to try!).

Now, off to be a mommy.  My exercise is done for the day and I'm happy.  My last thought... I REALLY hope I don't lose my job at the gym.  I love my classes and I love my participants.  I can't wait to see everyone in 2 months!! (hopefully...)

Until next time...
